Sunday, January 28, 2007

To My Nephew

Hey Mason!

When your Dad came down to Milwaukee for our Grandma's funeral we got to talking. Like any proud Dad, Andy spoke about you and Foster. The more we talked the more I heard from your Dad how much you and I are alike. When I was in the 5th grade (you know back in the stone age). I read about 20 books about the civil war and I was into politics and how the country was being run. We had Vietnam. Your generation has Iraq (I don't like George Bush either!). By the way here are two great links with pictures of the civil war:

I remember reading books and learning things that you were supposed to get in college. I think you learn like that too. It's a cool thing but, at the same time, it can be hard for other kids to understand or keep up with the things that you like. That's really why I'm writing. I want to tell you how proud I am of you, to let you know that I am thinking of you and if it's ok, write (exchange emails?) with you about any and all the things you like to learn. Maybe that's what Uncles are for?

I'd love to hear about what you think about the State of the Union, the beginning of the universe, how countries should be run, how computers are both good and bad, the best way to make a tackle-anything your mind is focusing on right now. Here's a quote that means a lot to me:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein

What do you think?

Much Love


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Cool Design

Living a life of random abstraction is better than the linear definate.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

It just so happens...

It just so happens that I am fluent in shorthand (a skill I would recommend for any ADDer!). I took this silly quiz and wouldn't you know it...

It 's comforting to say that 'practice makes perfect'....
You are 'Gregg shorthand'. Originally designed to
enable people to write faster, it is also very
useful for writing things which one does not
want other people to read, inasmuch as almost
no one knows shorthand any more.

You know how important it is to do things
efficiently and on time. You also value your
privacy, and (unlike some people) you do not
pretend to be friends with just everyone; that
would be ridiculous. When you do make friends,
you take them seriously, and faithfully keep
what they confide in you to yourself.
Unfortunately, the work which you do (which is
very important, of course) sometimes keeps you
away from social activities, and you are often
lonely. Your problem is that Gregg shorthand
has been obsolete for a long time.

What obsolete skill are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Living And Loving The Truth

Living And Loving The Truth
The First Step Toward A Spiritual Understanding of AD/HD

In my personal (an ‘ADDer’) and professional experience (counselor) I have found that living in the truth is the cornerstone of mental and spiritual health. We may not like the truth, but if we are aware of the truth we can stop the hopeless battle of wishing, wanting, desiring things to be otherwise.

Take for example, a diagnosis of AD/HD. Once a person is confronted with a diagnosis-a cascade of questions results. But the most fundamental question must be:

“Is it true?”

Is it true is a question for two levels:

On the external level:

Does AD/HD de facto exist? There are my people profiting from promoting bad information about AD/HD, even to the hyperbolic position that AD/HD is a ‘made up’ diagnosis. The first truth that must be embraced is that AD/HD, while a label, also summarizes a set of behaviors and symptoms that affect lives. Knowledge about AD/HD is far from complete; but the preponderance of scientific and historical research verifies the existence of AD/HD as a real disorder.

On the internal level:

Assuming a professional diagnosis the question then becomes, “Is it true for me?” There is an advantage to being diagnosed as an adult. An adult can reflect and see the debris, the failures and frustrations that the disorder has perpetrated in their life (that no amount of ‘free will’ could overcome). Couple that reflection with the testimony of those closest to you and the truth should be evident.

Yet, many fight it.

I understand that if ‘the pieces don’t fit’, that is, if people who know you well don’t agree or you can’t see the pattern in your life then the diagnosis should be suspect. But if the pieces come together, the diagnosis–the truth-can be liberating. To love life, to love yourself, you must see yourself as you truly are.

Mystics from many traditions might inject a spiritual element here: To start on the road to happiness and a spiritual understand of who you are you must begin to see you, the AD/HD you included, with no judgment. Not good, not bad, but “yep that’s me,” or “I do that.”  We must do this simply because it situates us in the truth-as it is. We are conditioned to feel that this about is good or that about is bad.

Stop the conditioning.

How do you stop the conditioning? Well, that’s a subject for an upcoming blog.

Begin by accepting and living and loving the truth of who you are-as you are. This is the first step toward a spiritual understanding of AD/HD.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Some Future Topics

Some future topics in random order:
  • Taoism and ADHD

  • The ‘Little Prince’ as a metaphor for ADD spirituality

  • The present – the spiritual gift of ADD
Keep checking back!

Random Abstract

This blog's purpose is to explore, enunciate and celebrate the spiritual journey of person's diagnosed with ADHD.

Some assumptions:

  • those qualities that are the hallmarks of this disorder can be affirmed as a valid, spiritual approach to life.
  • the medical/psychological aspects of ADHD are well documented and these clinical areas, while inseparable from any spiritual discussion, should not be the primary focus of this blog
  • regarding the facts of ADHD, we must stick to what is scientifically accepted
  • regarding the spirituality of persons with ADHD we must respect everyone's experiences and viewpoint